We are actively seeking a replacement for this role as Jane Broomhead has taken the decision to step down at the forthcoming AGM to give herself more time to concentrate on Events and Fund Raising, and also her role as Treasurer. We offer our sincere thanks for the hard work she has put into this role over the last few years.
The position involves chairing two committee meetings per year, one in January and one in September, and also the branch AGM, usually held in November. As Branch Organiser the role entails being the main link between the branch and BC head office, and will include regular Zoom meetings with BC and other county branch organisers. For more details please see the link below, and please feel free to contact Jane Broomhead to discuss the role further.
We are also looking for a new Newsletter Editor. The successful applicant would ideally have some basic computer knowledge, especially in the use of Word and creating PDF documents. We produce two newsletters each year, one in March and the other in late October or early November. It is also essential that the new editor joins the committee to be able to keep abreast of branch news and activities.
If you, or maybe someone you know, is interested in this role then please feel free to contact me, Richard Jeffery, for further details and an informal discussion.